Welcome to Jellyfish Resource Center!
This dedicated page is your go-to hub for essential tools and resources to boost your job search in Japan.
Here, you’ll find a variety of downloadable content, including Japanese resume templates, comprehensive guides, and other valuable materials designed to support your professional journey.
Everything here is free to download and use, so your best payment is to show us some love and support by following us and sharing with your friends.
Explore our resources and let Jellyfish help you achieve your career goals!!
微信 ID: jellyfish_Tokyo
Microsoft Office – Japanese Rirekisho (履歴書)
Microsoft Office – Japanese Gijutsu-Keirekisho (技術経歴書)
Microsoft Office – Japanese Shokumu-Keirekisho (職務経歴書)
Google Suite/Spreadsheet – Japanese Rirekisho (履歴書)
Google Suite/Spreadsheet – Japanese Gijutsu-Keirekisho (技術経歴書)
Google Suite/Spreadsheet – Japanese Shokumu-Keirekisho (職務経歴書)
Google Suite/Word – Japanese Shokumu-Keirekisho (職務経歴書)